- Duration 21 Days
- Language: Hindi/English
- Module: Residential with Meals
- Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Certification: Yoga Alliance
- Style: Multi Style
- Date: 2nd - 22nd of every month
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India
Yoga in modern times is not only limited to health and wellness. But it is considered a perfect way to start your career. With the increase in the craze for the art of yoga, people search for a well-trained and qualified yoga teacher. 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is a beginner- level yoga teacher training course that helps in shaping your career. By completing 200 Hour Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh you will be eligible to teach in any corner of the world. During this yoga course in Rishikesh, you will learn about the basic concepts and asana of yoga. As a fresher in the field of yoga teaching, you will be introduced to the benefits and skills of yoga. This is a 21 days Yoga Teacher Training Course that builds a strong foundation of yoga learning. The yoga alliance certified Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is always the best platform to start your yogic career.
Nowadays due to hectic work life and polluted environment, diseases can be seen commonly. People use to have stress, depression, and anxiety from an early age and start consuming the respective medicines. This eventually brings the need for the authentic art of yoga. As, yoga is the most sublime path to conquer stress, tension, anxiety, and other harmful diseases without any side effects. Yoga apart from rendering physical health is also known for providing serenity to mind and soul. Yoga is made from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" which means "to join". Thus, yoga is all about joining your mind, body, and soul to impart a disease-free life. Moreover, this joining brings coordination to the body and results in efficient working too. Yoga is an ancient art of health and wellness that is well recommended in the modern world.
Rishikesh the capital city of yoga is a place filled with spirituality and serenity. Nested in the Himalayan foothills and blessed with the free-flowing Ganga River, this is a perfect place for spiritual well-being. The serene location of Rishikesh magnetizes yoga lovers from each and every part of the world to learn and practice this divine art. 200 Hours Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is a transformative journey filled with yoga practices and spiritual activities. The spectacular atmosphere of Yoga City helps in amplifying your yoga learning. The vibes of Rishikesh help to delve into the ocean of yoga and meditation. In Rishikesh, one can quest for a number of yoga schools that impart the best yogic experience. Initiating a yoga career from the 200 Hours Yoga Teaching Program forms the strongest base of yoga learning.
200 Hours Yoga TTC is the first step of yoga learning and the first step must be awesome. So, choosing Rishikesh for your beginner-level yoga TTC helps you in understanding the basics and concepts of yoga from its core. Yoga teachers here are experts in their respective fields and impart the best yoga learning to the students. From the ancient era, Rishi Munis chose Rishikesh for their spiritual journey. Practicing yoga and meditating in the stillness of the city always makes your yoga teaching program a memorable one. For those who are looking to become a certified yoga instructor or willing to sharpen their yogic skills, 200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is always bliss. Moreover, if someone gets the right place and atmosphere for learning in their initial days, it can be much more fruitful.
Overview of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
200 Hours Yoga teacher training course is a comprehensive yoga program that helps in initiating your journey of yoga. This is the beginner-level program that provides you the basic knowledge of Yoga and its asana. After completing 200 Hours of Yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, one can start their journey as a yoga teacher. It is the basis of a yoga teaching career that includes Yoga Asana practices, Meditation, Pranayama, Teaching Methodology, Yoga Philosophy, Physiology, and Yoga Anatomy. This basic level Yoga TTC helps in gaining certification to teach yoga in every corner of the world. 200 Hour Yoga teacher training course is a Yoga Alliance-certified yoga teaching program that helps in preparing yoga aspirants for their journey of yoga teaching.
Yoga Philosophy helps to delve into the ancient yogic texts such as Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, etc. that help in gaining insights into Yoga's philosophical aspects. During your 200 hour Yoga teacher training course, you will have daily yoga asana classes to impart flexibility, strength, and alignment. Also, the course curriculum of 200 hour Yoga teacher training course involves the understanding of body mechanics and its response to the various Yoga Asanas. It is part of Yoga Anatomy. To enhance your awareness and mental clarity, Meditation, and Pranayama are helpful too in your 200 hour Yoga teacher training course syllabus. Students during their yoga class will learn about guiding students, adjusting, sequencing, and class conducting techniques. Moreover, various Yoga cleansing and relaxation techniques are also part of your beginner-level Yoga learning program.
Asanas (Yoga Postures): The practice of controlled breathing Techniques is known as Pranayama. It involves the regulation of breath to optimize the flow of prana (life force energy) in the body.Pranayama exercises can reduce stress, promote mental clarity, and enhance vitality, thus making them a fundamental component of Yoga Practice.
Pranayama (Breathing Techniques): The science and art of controlled breathing that is included as the fundamental component of yoga is Pranayama. The word Pranayama is derived from Prana and Yama which means controlling of life force. According to yogis, Pranayama is the link between spiritual and physical realms. This breathing technique helps regulate the energy inside our body and balance the physical and energetic bodies. Physically it improves oxygenation of the blood, enhances the capacity of the lungs, and reduces stress and tension.
Meditation Techniques: Meditation is a well-known ancient practice that renders immense benefits to the mind, body, and soul. This yogic practice helps impart calmness and stillness to a person that promotes overall well-being. To avoid the chaos of daily life, one can start Meditation practices. There are a number of Meditation techniques that offer a holistic approach to self-discovery and mindfulness. However, the choice depends on personal goals and preferences. This technique helps reduce stress, bringing calmness, and enhancing focus.
Relaxation & Yoga Nidra: Relaxation is often neglected in today's fast and busy life. However, it is always a key to maintaining the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of the human body. Yoga Nidra is one of the most effective Relaxation techniques listed as part of yogic exercises. Yoga Nidra is referred as the "Yogic Sleep" that helps in providing relaxation to the mind, body, and soul. This powerful technique of Relaxation is rooted in ancient yogic wisdom and forms an important part of the yoga session.
Yoga Philosophy: The philosophy of Yoga is a profound philosophical system that originated in India. Yoga Philosophy class helps in understanding the core and basics of yoga through various yoga texts such as Patanjali Yog sutras, Bhagavad Geeta, and many more. It offers a holistic approach to spiritual realization. The eight limbs of yoga are one of the essential parts of the Yoga Philosophy class. Yoga philosophy lectures invite individuals to transcend the limitations of ego, ethical living, and embrace morals.
Yoga Teaching Methodology: Yoga with its uncountable mental, physical, and spiritual benefits is the best transformative practice. Yoga Teaching Methodology is a crucial part of the 200-hour Yoga TTC course curriculum. In this class, Yoga Teachers impart the best and easiest way to handle yoga classes. Effective Yoga Teaching Methodology plays a crucial role in making sure that students will understand the basics and core of their class. this will help students in reaping the rewards efficiently and safely. You will learn methods to bring positive change in someone's life.
Practical Teaching Experience: Practical training is always the soul of yoga teacher training courses. Although the theoretical part also holds significant importance, but, without Practical training in yoga, one cannot master a yoga class. Therefore Practical Teaching Experience is always required to successfully complete your yoga certification courses. Yoga students must understand the difference between the theory and practical sessions and must gain proper knowledge about both segments. While gaining knowledge about Yoga Asana or postures, Meditation, Pranayama, Philosophy, teaching methodology, etc., it is necessary to gain practical knowledge too.
Yoga Ethics: The yoga learning process is not only about learning and practicing various forms of yoga. But the essence of yoga lies in its disciplines and ethics. A person doing yoga can't delve into the roots of this ancient art of health and wellness without following Yoga Ethics. The yoga teacher training program includes a profound framework of Ethics such as Yamas and Niyamas. A yoga learner must know about their behaviors, actions, and relationships whether he is in class or not.
Course Curriculum Of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
- Name of the Asana in English & Sanskrit
- Introduction & History of Asana
- Benefits
- How to do this Asana dynamic way step by step?
- Anatomical aspects of the Asana
- Therapeutically approaching
- Corrections
- Modifications
- Contraindications
- Reference books
- Conclusion
How to do Asanas meditatively by following 6 steps?
- Centring
- Entering
- Refining
- Holding
- Come out
- Reflection
- Tadasana( Mountain Pose)
- Udwahastasana- Upward Salute Pose
- Utkatasana(Chair Pose)
- Vrksyasana (Tree Pose)Ver1 & 2
- Uthita Hasta Padongustasana(Raise Hand to Toes Pose)
- Natarajasana (King DancerPose) Ver-1
- Padohastasana (Hand to feet Pose)
- Trikonasana(Triangle Pose)
- Virbhadrasana (Warrior Pose)-1
- Virbhadrasana (Warrior Pose)-2
- Parswakonasana(Angle Pose)
- Uthita Parswakonasana(Rise Angle Pose)
- Upaveshasana ( Squat Pose)
- Maalaasana (Garland Pose)
- Vajrasana(Kneeling Pose)
- Margarisana(Cat Pose)
- Simhasana(Lion Pose)
- Veerasana(Hero pose)
- Dandasana(Stamp Pose)
- AkarnaDhanurasana
- Badhakonasana(Butterfly Pose)
- Sukhasana(Easy Pose)
- Swastkasana(Auspicious Pose)
- Ardha Padmasana(Half Lotus Pose)
- Lolasana (Pendant Pose)
- Makarasana(Crocodile Pose)
- Byaghrasana(Tiger Pose)
- Ardhakapotasana(Half Pigeon Pose)
- Astanga Namaskarasana(Salutation with Eight Limbs)
- Chaturanga Dandasana(Staff Pose)
- Bhujangasana(Cobra pose)
- Ardha Salbhasana(Half Locust Pose)
- Ardha Dhanurasana(Half Bow Pose)
- Urdwa Mukha
- Swanasana(Upward Facing Dog Pose)
- Ustrasana(Camel Pose) Ver- 1 Swanasana(Upward>
- Side Plank Pose
- Balasana(Child Pose)
- Janushirsana -Head of the Knee Pose
- Parivrita Janushirasana -- Revolved Head of the Knee Pose
- Ardha Badha Padma Paschimotanasana -Half bound Lotus intense west stretch
- Triyanga Mukhaika PadoPaschimatanasana -Three Limbs Facing Intense West Stretch Pose
- Marichyasana Ver - 1- Pose dedicated to the sage Marichi
- Badhakonasana- Butterfly Pose with forwarding bending
- Upavistha Konasana - Seated wide Legged straddle
- Paschimotanasana- Ver-1--Seated Forward Bend Pose
- Paschimotanasana- Ver-2--Seated Forward Bend
- Pose Purva Tanasana - Upward Plank Pose
- Ardha Mastyendrasana - Half Fish Pose
- Spinal Twisting In Kneeling Pose
- Spinal Twisting In Table Pose
- Supta Mastyendrasana - Spinal Twisting in Laying Pose
- A & P- Akunchana Prasarana, Abdomen Contraction & Release
- Urdwa Prasarita Padasana (Upward Rise Legs)
- Ananda Balasana( Happy Baby Pose)
Single Leg Lift - Hold and Raise - Urdwa Prasarita Eka Padasana
- One Knee Bend, Other Leg Lift - Arms resting on the floor
- One Knee Bend, Other Leg Lift - Elbows resting on the floor
- One Knee Bend, Other Leg Lift - Chick rest on the palm
- Setubandhasana(Bridge Pose)
- Viparit Karani - Inversion Pose
- Sarvangasana(Shoulder Stand)
- Halasana(Plough Pose)
- Mastyasana(Fish Pose) Rocking Chair
- Bakasana
- Ek Padaasana
- Garudasana
- Bhramcharyaasana
- Samasthiti
- Urdvahastasna
- Uttanasana A
- Uttanasana B
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Urdvamukha Svanasana
- Adhomukha Svanasana
- Uttanasana B
- Uttanasana A
- rdvahastasana
- Samasthiti
Suryanamaskara B
- Samasthiti
- Utkatasana
- Uttanasana A
- Uttanasana B
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Urdvamukha Svanasana
- Adhomukha Svanasana
- Bibhadrasana A
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Urdvamukha Svanasana
- Adhomukhasvanasana
- Birbhadrasana A
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Urdvamukha Svanasana
- Adhomukha Svanasana
- Uttanasana B
- Uttanasana A
- Utkatasana
- Samathiti
Primary Series – Standing Asanas
- Janusirsasana B – Head to Knee Pose B
- Janusirsasana A – Head to Knee Pose A
- Triyang Mukhaipada Paschimottanasana – One Leg Folded Forward Bend Pose
- Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana – Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend Pose
- Purvattanasana – Intense West Stretch
- Paschimottanasana C – Intense West Stretch Pose C
- Paschimottanasana B – Intense West Stretch Pose B
- Paschimottanasana A – Intense West Stretch Pose A
- Dandassana – Staff Pose
- Virbhadrasana B, Warrior Pose B
- Virbhadrasana A, Warrior Pose A
- Utkatasana, Fierce Pose
- Ardhabadha Padmottanasana, Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend Pose
- Utthita Hasta Padongusthasana,1,2,3,4, Extended Hand to Big Toes Pose
- Parsvatanasan,, Intense Side Stretch Pose
- Prasarita Padottanasasna D, Intense Wide Leg Stretch D
- Prasarita Padottanasasna C, Intense Wide Leg Stretch C
- Prasarita Padottanasasna B, Intense Wide Leg Stretch B
- Prasarita Padottanasasna A, Intense Wide Leg Stretch A
- Parivrita Parsvakonasana, Revolving Side Angle Pose
- Uthita Parsva Konasna, Extended Side Angle Pose
- Parivrita Trikonasana, Revolving Triangle Pose
- Utthita Trikonasana, Extended Triangle Pose
- Pada Angusthasana – B, Big Toe Pose - B
- Pada Angusthasana – A, Big Toe Pose – A
- Janusirsasana C – Head to Knee Pose C
- Marichasana A – Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi – A
- Marichasana B – Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi - B
- Marichasana C – Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi - C
- Marichasana D – Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi – D
- Navasana – Boat Pose (4 times withhold 5 breaths each time)
- Bhujapidasana – Shoulder Pressure Posture
- Kurmasana – Tortoise Pose
- Supta Kurmasana – Sleeping Tortoise Pose
- Garbha Pindasana – Embryo in Womb Pose
- Kukkutasana – Rooster Pose
- Badhakonasana A – Bound Angle Pose A
- Badhakonasana B – Bound Angle Pose B
- Upavistha Konasana A – Seated Angle Pose A
- Upavistha Konasana B – Seated Angle Pose B
- Suptakonasana A – Lying Down Angle Pose A
- Suptakonasana B – Lying Down Angle Pose B
- Supta Padongusthasana – Reclining Big Toe Posture (3 ways)
- Ubhaya Padongusthasana – Both Big Toes Pose
- Urdva Mukha Paschimottasana – Upward Facing Full Forward Bend Pose
- Setubandhasana – Bridge Pose
- Urdwa Danurasana – Upward Bow Pose
- Paschimotanasana – Full forward Bend West Stretch Pose
- Salamba Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose
- Halasana – Plow Pose
- Karnapidasana – Ear Pressure Pose
- Urdva Padmasana – Upward Lotus Pose
- Pindasana – Embryo Pose
- Matsyassana – Fish Pose
- Uttana Padasana – Extended Leg Pose
- Sirshasana – Head Stand Pose
- Yoga Mudra – Sealed Yoga Pose
- Padmasana – Lotus Pose
- Uttpluthi – Uprooting Pose
- Shavasana – Corpse Pose
- Workshop on forward bending
- Workshop on hip opening
- Workshop on back bending
- Workshop on twisting postures
- Workshop on shoulder opening
- Workshop on inversions
- Introduction and significance of Anatomy and physiology in Yogic practices
- Introduction to Organ Systems
- Integumentary System
- Introduction to Skeletal System
- Joints and Skull
- Introduction to spine
- Spine disorders
- Spinal movements and their limitation
- Introduction of Pelvis and disorders
- Pelvis movements and their limitation
- Introduction of upper limb
- Discussion on disorders and limitations in the movements in the Shoulder girdle and elbow joints.
- Discussion on disorders and limitations of Wrist and Knee joints and their movements.
- Discussion on the rib cage and respiratory system, implications of pranayama practices, and their effects on the respiratory system
- Introduction of kinesiological posture analysis
- Introduction to Muscular system
- Discussion on Fascia and Muscle contractions
- Discussion on Upper limb muscles
- Discussion on Muscles present in the torso
- Discussion on Muscles present in lower limb
- Discussion on Nervous system and Circulatory system
- Meaning of Pranayama
- Definition
- Breathing experiment
- Conclusion
Kapalbhati Pranayama (Frontal brain cleaning breath)
- Introduction - Meaning - Benefits - Contradictions
- Duration of practice - Demonstration of Kpalabhati Pranayama
- Preparation of Kapalabhati for students - Technique One
- How to do Kpalabhati Pranayama?
Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling breath)
- Introduction – Meaning - Benefits - Contradictions
- Duration of practice - Demonstration of Sheetali Pranayama
- Preparation of Sheetali for students
- Technique One
- How to do Sheetali Pranayama?
Sheetkari Pranayama (Hishing Breath)
- Introduction - Meaning - Benefits - Contradictions
- Duration of practice - Demonstration of Sheetkari Pranayama
- Preparation of Sheetkari for students
- Technique One
- How to do Sheetkari Pranayama?
Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows Breath)
- Introduction - Meaning - Benefits - Contradictions - Duration of practice
- Demonstration of Bhastrika Pranayama
- Preparation of Bhastrika for students
- Technique One
- How to do Bhastrika Pranayama?
Bhramri Pranayama(Humming Bee Breath)
- Introduction - Meaning - Benefits - Contradictions - Duration of practice
- Demonstration of Bhramri Pranayama
- Preparation of Bhramri for students
- Technique One
- How to do Bhramri Pranayama?
Ujjayi (Psychic Breath)
- Introduction - Meaning - Benefits - Contradictions - Duration of practice
- Demonstration of Ujjayi Pranayama
- Preparation of Ujjayi for students
- Technique One
- How to do Ujjayi Pranayama
Nadishodhana Pranayama 2 & 3 (Psychic Network / Chanel Purification)
- Introduction - Meaning - Benefits - Contradictions - Duration of practice
- Demonstration of Nadishodhana Pranayama Two & Three
- Preparation of Nadishodhana for students
- Techniques Two & Three
- How to do Nadishodhana Pranayama?
- Meaning of Satkarma
- Contradictions s
- Benefits
Introduction to the practical Jala Neti
- Contradictions
- Benefits
- Preparation of Jala Neti
- Demonstration of Jala Neti by Teacher
- Technique Practice with students
Introduction to the practical Sutraneti
- Contradictions
- Benefits
- Preparation of Sutraneti
- Demonstration of Sutraneti by Teacher
- Technique Practice with students
With the presence of a teacher
- With the presence of a teacher, students will prepare the class to practice Jala Neti & Sutra Neti themself. The teacher will observe the class.
- Introduction - Meaning - Benefits
- Contradictions - Duration of practice
- Preparation
- Demonstration
- Technique Practice with students
Udiyana Bandha
- Introduction - Meaning - Benefits
- Contradictions - Duration of practice
- Preparation
- Demonstration
- Technique Practice with students
Mula Bandha
- Introduction - Meaning - Benefits
- Contradictions - Duration of practice
- Preparation
- Demonstration
- Technique Practice with students
Maha Bandha
- Introduction - Meaning - Benefits
- Contradictions - Duration of practice
- Preparation
- Demonstration
- Technique Practice with students
- Introduction - Duration - Benefits
- Preparation - Demonstration
- Technique Practice with students
Chin Mudra (Psychic Gesture of Consciousness)
- Introduction - Benefits - Duration
- Preparation - Demonstration
- Technique Practice with students
Bhairava Mudra – Shiva Mudra
- Introduction - Duration - Benefits
- Preparation - Demonstration
- Technique Practice with students
Hridaya Mudra – Heart gesture
- Introduction - Duration - Benefits
- Preparation - Demonstration
- Technique Practice with students
- Introduction of Meditation/ Meaning and things
- Mantra Chanting with meaning and Benefits/Practice
- Apa Meditation with meaning and Benefits/Practice
- Sixty One Energy Points discussion
- OM Meditation with meaning and Benefits/ Practice
- The practice of Osho Dynamic Meditation
- Music Meditation Practice
- Dancing Meditation Practice
- Walking Meditation Practice
- Introduction of Tratak meditation/Stages /Benefits
- The practice of Dot Meditation
- The practice of Yantra Meditation
- Practice of Candle Meditation
- Point-to-Point Movement and then Stillness
- Point-to-Point Tension and Relaxation
- Entire-Body Tension and Relaxation
- Point-to-Point Relaxation
- Selective Tension and Relaxation of Body Parts
- More Detailed Point-to-Point Relaxation with Visualization of Pure White Divine Light at the Cardiac Center
- Detailed Point-to-Point Relaxation with Spinal Breathing and "So-Ham"
- Hatha Yoga Manra - Yogena Schitasya Padena Vacham
- Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya, Tamaso Maa
- Entire-Body Om Saha Na bhavatu, Saha Nau Bhunaktu
- Aum mantra - Aum…Aum..Aum
- Gayatri mantra - Om Bhur Bhubah Swaha
- Ganesh mantra - Om Vakratunda mahaakaaya
- Guru Mantra - Guru Brahma Guru Visnu
- Astanga Vinyasa Closing Mantra - Swasti prajaabhyah paripala
- Avahu Purusa Karam, shankha
- Vande Gurunam Charanara Vinde
- Astanga Vinyasa Closing Mantra - Swasti prajaabhyah paripala
- Yoga Sutra - discipline, types of thoughts, God
- 7 Chakras – Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipur, Anahata, Visudha, Anjya, Sahasrara
- Three types of gunas – Satva, Rajas & Tamas
- Three types of body< – Sthula, Sukhma & Karana
- Types of Yoga (Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Astanga)
- What is yoga? Introduction of Yoga
- What is philosophy?
- What are the obstacles to yoga?
- What are the causes of pain?
- What are the eight limbs of Yoga?
- Exercises
- Exam
- Structuring and sequencing poses
- Sanskrit names of poses
- Manual / verbal adjustments
- Modifications with props
- Space considerations
- Time considerations
- Age considerations
Yoga TTC Schedule
The 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Guru Yogshala follows a strict schedule in compliance with Yoga Alliance standards.
Time | Activity |
05:00 Am | Wake Up |
06:30 Am - 07:30 Am | Shatkarma & Pranayama |
07:30 Am - 09:00 Am | Vinyasa flow Yoga |
09:00 Am - 10:00 Am | Breakfast |
10:00 Am - 10:45 Am | Yoga Anatomy |
11:00 Am - 11:45 Am | Yoga Alignment |
12:15 Pm - 01:00 Pm | Yoga Philosophy |
01:00 Pm - 02:00 Pm | Lunch |
04:00 Pm - 5:30 Pm | Ashtanga Yoga |
06:00 Pm - 7:00 Pm | Meditation & Mantra chanting |
07:10 Pm - 08:00 pm | Dinner |
10:00 pm | Lights Off |
Please Note: Daily schedule is subject to change on teacher's discretion

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh - Date
- Date Price Seats Booking
02-Dec-2024 to 22-Dec-2024
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 06 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Jan-2025 to 22-Jan-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 04 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Fab-2025 to 22-Fab-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 07 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Mar-2025 to 22-Mar-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 04 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Apr-2025 to 22-Apr-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 08 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-May-2025 to 22-May-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 05 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Jun-2025 to 22-Jun-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 09 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Jul-2025 to 22-Jul-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 05 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Aug-2025 to 22-Aug-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 04 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Sep-2025 to 22-Sep-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 07 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Oct-2025 to 22-Oct-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 03 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Nov-2025 to 22-Nov-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 09 Seats Left Enroll Now -
02-Dec-2025 to 22-Dec-2025
Private : 999 USD
Shared : 899 USD Availability : 06 Seats Left Enroll Now
Accommodation & Food - 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
Food and accommodation are an integral part of the 200-Hour Yoga Teaching Program in Rishikesh. Just like Yoga Asana and the theoretical part, a good food and accommodation facility is the basic need of a yoga training program. Guru Yogshala offers world-class accommodation and a delicious food facility in our yoga school in Rishikesh. We offer peaceful, comfortable, and clean accommodation in the lap of nature. Our aim is to create a conducive atmosphere for your spiritual and practical growth.
Accommodation facility at Guru Yogshala is instituted in the lap of nature. Imagine your day begins with the chirping sound of birds, fresh air, and a spectacular location. This will help in boosting your energy for the whole day. Rooms at Guru Yogshala are simple yet calm and comfy stay to release your physical and mental stress. It's like spending your time in a home away from your home. We took care of all your belongings with our 24-hour CCTV service. All our rooms are equipped with basic amenities such as hot and cold water supply, clean bedding and mattresses, attached washrooms, 24-hour electricity backup, and much more. You can choose from our private and shared accommodation as per your preferences.
Our food facility is the perfect blend of taste and a healthy diet. We offer a sattvic and healthy diet to our students avoiding oily and junk foods. We use fresh vegetables and fruits in our daily meal plan. The food facility at Guru Yogshala is in accordance with the principles of yoga. This diet provides you energy to practice and learn yoga asana. You will enjoy various of mouth-watering dishes from various Indian states including fresh vegetables and fruits.

200 Hour Yoga TTC Certification In Rishikesh
200 Hours Yoga TTC is a beginner-level yoga certification course accredited by Yoga Alliance, USA. This course follows set rules and standards issued by Yoga Alliance and is acceptable worldwide. After completion of your 200 Hours Yoga Teaching Program, one can either apply for advanced-level yoga teaching courses or gain experience by teaching yoga. This certification course is acceptable worldwide. 26-day yoga teacher training course includes the learning and understanding of basic principles of yoga along with Yoga Asana practices.
It also includes Yoga Philosophy, Yoga Anatomy, Class conducting Techniques, Meditation, and Pranayama. The beginner-level course also involves class sequencing, alignment, and modification. For that, a person needs to complete yoga learning of 24 days. Guru Yogshala is one of the best yoga schools in Rishikesh offering the Yoga Alliance certified 200 Hours certificate for your vibrant future.

Explore Excursion Places With Yoga TTC In Rishikesh

Recommended Books - 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course
Our Yoga Teachers

What's Include
- 24 Nights Accommodation
- Course duration- 2nd- arrival - to 27th- the departure of each month
- 7 Hours to 8 hours classes Every day
- Room with Private Washroom
- Yoga Alliance Certification
- Free Yoga mat and props and other Yoga Equipment
- Orientation, flower decoration & Fire ceremony
- Study Materials - Books ( Asana Mudra Bandha Pranayama, Ashtanga Vinyasa, school hand book, notebook, pen, hand outs,)
- Jal Neti and Sutra Neti
- Yoga Class in evening at Ganga beach
- One Himalayan excursion and local excursion of Rishikesh
- 3 Daily nutritious Vegetarian meals
- Cultural Program in the closing ceremony
What's Not Include
- Private room (available per request)
- Air conditioner / Heater (available per request) Women herbal beauty, wearing by sharing and all others with the assistance of local ladies
- Ayurvedic treatment and healing training
- Fees for visa
- Pick up from New Delhi (available per request)
- Massages
Code Of Conducts For Students
Smoking and Alcohol are not allowed in the school.
To avoid food wastage we advise students to inform beforehand whenever they have fasting.
Students must maintain discipline and should pay respect to all teachers.
All participants must show punctual behavior and should arrive for classes on time. Those who come late will not be allowed for joining sessions.
Anything burrowed from school like books, or any goods must be returned on time
We provide accommodation only to participants and not their friends or family
Students have to maintain complete attendance.
Refund Policy
The advance payment and Course Fee made for the course is not refundable.
In some cases, we might arrange for joining some other yoga teacher training program. Our yoga school in Rishikesh accepts course cancellation but the advance payment and Course Fee made for the course will not be Refund.

What Students Say About Us
Students who have completed Yoga Teacher Training Courses from our yoga school always leave with a mesmerizing journey of yoga learning filled with learning, understanding, and fun.
There are not enough words to describe how amazing my time at the Guru Yogshala was. I spent a month in Rishikesh completing my 200 hour Yoga teacher training, and it was nothing less than transformative. Every single teacher I had was absolutely phenomenal; not only were they each extremely knowledgeable about the subjects they taught, but they were all eager to engage with each student and answer any questions we had. The food and staff were equally great...
Erica New ZealandI came in this school for a 200 hours TTC. I highly recommend the place, for various reasons. All the teachers have a very high level of standard in all the topics. The program is well adapted for this course. The yoga practice and the teaching of it are well conducted.The location is good for living a month in Tapovan. Easy access to shops, Ganga for meditation or holly bath, veg coffee, and so on. The food is good in the school, and I felt home and part of a family.
Laoise Brennan MaxicoOne of the best schools in Rishikesh India, for 200hrs Yoga teacher training. Guru Yogshala with its finest Teachers, cleanest school environment with the best food and accommodations in town. An awesome experience. A home away from home with humble n loving people around. Love u all. No words to express my gratitude to all the teachers who helped and guided me through this wonderful journey. Thank you Pramodhji, Teachers and team.
Jim Tyler United StateYoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh

100 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh
100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program is a beginner-level yoga teaching course in Rishikesh. A person who wants to know about the basic concepts and skills of yoga should start with either 100 Hours or 200 Hours Yoga TTC in Rishikesh.
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200 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh
200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is a beginner-level yoga TTC that helps in shaping your career. This is a 21-day Yoga Teacher Training Course that builds a strong foundation of yoga learning to kick-start your career in the file of yoga.
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Yoga Retreat In Rishikesh
Yoga Retreat Session is a fine and serene holiday with the benefits of the art of yoga. This yoga retreat session in Rishikesh is well known for providing calmness and physical benefits by including the benefits of yoga.
View details- Duration: 21 Days
- Language: Hindi/English
- Module: Residential with Meals
- Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Certification: Yoga Alliance
- Style: Multi style
- Date: 2nd - 22nd of every month
- Batch Size : 10-12 Students